African Club Dances


Coming Soon

Course Description

Course Description

Kuduro is a dynamic and electrifying dance style that emerged from the streets of Angola. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, kuduro music began taking shape. It blended traditional Angolan semba rhythms with contemporary influences like hip-hop, reggaeton, and electronic music. Kuduro dancing was a result of its unique sound that emphasized a beat driven rhythm. The dancing emphasizes rapid movements of the hips, shoulders, and feet in time with the chopped cadences of the music. 

This course will immerse students in the unique rhythms and movements of kuduro – a popular and culturally significant dance style. Over 10 weekly sessions students will: 

What you’ll learn?

Who This Course Is For

Not ready to fully commit yet


Package of 3 classes


Package of 6 classes


Package of 12 classes


Unlimited online Classes


Unlimited in-person and online Classes



What is Kuduro, and do I need any dance background to start?

Kuduro is an energetic dance and music genre from Angola, characterized by its fast pace and rhythmic movements. No dance background is needed to start; our classes are tailored for both beginners and experienced dancers.

What should I wear for a Kuduro class?

Opt for comfortable, breathable clothing and supportive sneakers. The energetic nature of Kuduro requires attire that won’t restrict your movements.

Are Kuduro classes suitable for all ages?

Yes, Kuduro classes are suitable for participants of all ages! The intensity can be adjusted to fit your comfort and fitness level.

How often should I attend Kuduro classes to see improvement?

Attending class 1-2 times per week is a great start for steady improvement. Regular practice, even outside of class, helps enhance your skills faster.

Will learning Kuduro help me with my overall dance skills?

Definitely! Kuduro improves your rhythm, coordination, and endurance, benefiting your performance in other dance styles as well.

Afro American. Ethnic. Black culture. Yellow background

emma stone

Kuduro Instructor